Scrolling text hidden behind deposition video in OnCue
Trial techs everywhere have switched to OnCue's trial presentation software, and my experience using it in court has been very positive. It does however have a minor glitch, which I think many will want to be aware of. In version 4.3, if when working in the designation editor, while showing ranges from the same designation list (a list defined as multiple deposition designations for a single deponent) in presentation mode, you toggle off scrolling text for a designation range from the same list by clicking the green arrow / red X lined page icon at the right above the waveform:
. . . and then publish the designation line numbers for the closed captioning text can peek out on the left:
It's a minor problem which can easily be corrected by pressing T to toggle off the scrolling text. Pressing T when you see this error won't bring back the scrolling text first. It clears the hidden cut off text 'behind' the video. If you press T a second time it will display the scrolling text again.
The problem seems to occur, when one designation range from a list has been presented with scrolling text; the scrolling text setting for another designation is turned off; the designation range is cleared from the presentation screen; and then the next designation is presented. If you do NOT clear the previous designation, the error does not occur.
Also keep in mind that if you toggle off the scrolling text for a designation range, the update won't take effect at all unless you first select a different designation range. Just toggling off the text and then publishing the range will leave the closed captioning text in place.
This problem did not happen in all deposition videos I tested, but did frequently reoccur in the videos in the OnCue demo case. I just post here about it, because it's good to be aware of potential problems and not be surprised in the courtroom.