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Jump to Sentences TAR Thinks Make a Document Responsive

Electronic Discovery services provider Fronteo has developed an add-in for Relativity that will help expedite technology assisted review and provide a firmer basis to show that it is actually working. KIBIT Automator highlights individual sentences in a document flagged as being responsive, so a reviewer can easily see which parts of the document the TAR software believes make the document relevant.

Fronteo claims that the speed of the human review necessary for TAR can be more than doubled. KIBIT can also generate heat maps to indicate where documents marked as being non-responsive were coded differently than other documents with a high degree of textual similarity. It performs email threading and uses metadata in its machine learning algorithm.

Fronteo claims that its software can perform email threading on more than 2 million documents within 5 hours.

Email threading is performed on emails which are in Asian languages by making use of systems used in Japan. Fronteo is a Japanese company, so it appears as though this is something it does particularly well.


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