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Searching Court Dockets on Bloomberg Law

Don't miss the enhanced docket search capabilities of Bloomberg Law. The Litigation Intelligence Center, includes a docket search tool. Try clicking on the link for 'Dockets Advanced Search'.

Select a court and enter the case number without the initials for the judge. Your firm's Bloomberg Law account will give you access to court dockets and filings not freely available online, and without the need to have a user account for a particular jurisdiction. No need to run searches on the individual district PACER sites, or use the PACER account at all.

It's possible to download multiple filings simultaneously, and run searches for keywords in filing names as well as their full text. Bloomberg Law has come up with an effective unified court docket search tool for all American courts, that also incorporates the core functions of PacerPro and Lexis Courtlink. It certainly allows search results from a full text search to be reviewed more quickly than Courtlink.

The map at provides a good overview of what is available.

Click on any state to get a list of the courts whose filings are available.

Bloomberg will add a fee (above the standard charges assessed by PACER or individual state courts) for state court documents for which the standard charge is more than $10. There are further charges for docket tracking.

Sean O'Shea has more than 20 years of experience in the litigation support field with major law firms in New York and San Francisco.   He is an ACEDS Certified eDiscovery Specialist and a Relativity Certified Administrator.


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