Setting Filters in Relativity
When viewing a list of documents in Relativity, you can activate filters. There are six different types of filters (Boolean, CustomOnly, List, Multi-List, Pop Pickers, and Textbox). Textbox filters are available for fixed length text; long text; date; number; and single/multiple object fields. They allow to enter specific terms to search for, and use operators with the search terms.
The operator % may be used to check to whether or not a field contains all or part of the entered term with any text before and/or after the term. It is in effect the substitute for the wildcard search run with a '*'. If an asterisk is entered in a textbox filter, no results at all will be returned. So for example filtering for 'wo%' will find any entries with a word containing the letters 'wo', whether 'Word', 'two' and so forth.