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PDF Splitter Update

Here's an update to the posting from May 27, 2015 when I gave instructions on how to use a script with CoolUtils' PDF Splitter to extract page ranges from multiple PDF files.

When I made that post to this site, I did not know how to get around the problem that the software prompted a user to rename an extracted file each time one was made from the same source file more than once. The support staff at CoolUtils was able to indicate how the problem could be overcome by putting a command written as '-fo' (for force overwrite) at the end of each line of script. It also necessary to change the name of the folder where each additional extraction from a source file is saved to. The script is modified this way:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Splitter\PDFSplitter.exe" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\CWAMBAC0000836230.pdf" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\extracted pages" -p "1-5" -cp 5 -fo "C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Splitter\PDFSplitter.exe" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\CWAMBAC0000836230.pdf" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\extracted pages2" -p "9-13" -cp 5 -fo "C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Splitter\PDFSplitter.exe" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\CWAMBAC0001172366.pdf" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\extracted pages" -p "1-5" -cp 5 -fo "C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Splitter\PDFSplitter.exe" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\CWAMBAC0001624982.pdf" "I:\Litigation Support\Tips\PDF Split\extracted pages" -p "1-5" -cp 5 -fo

When you're dealing with a script designed to make many extractions, you just need to run a simple formula in Excel to add a number to the destination folder if the file name is repeated from the line above. So if your file names were listed in Excel in column D, and the file path for the folders to hold the extracted files were in column F, in column G you'd input something like, "=IF(D2=D1,G1+1,1)", putting a 1 in cell G1 to start.


Sean O'Shea has more than 20 years of experience in the litigation support field with major law firms in New York and San Francisco.   He is an ACEDS Certified eDiscovery Specialist and a Relativity Certified Administrator.


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